I just wanted firstly to thank you and the rest of your team for a most impressive programme. Drew really enjoyed it and got a lot out of it. By all accounts it involved a lot of organising and co-ordinating and its impressive that you did this over and above your normal varsity work. I just wanted to commend you and your team – thank you!
Mother of Winterweek 2015 attendee, Drew Turpin, from Cape Town.
Ons dogters Monica en Bianca het die Ingenieursweek by julle voltooi. Ons kan net ‘n grooot dankie sê vir al julle moeite. Dit was ‘n ongelooflike ervaring en voorreg vir ons kinders. Hulle sê ‘n spesiale dankie aan al die leiers se toegewydheid om elkeen spesiaal te laat voel, al die moeite wat die leiers gedoen het, dit was net wonderlik. Die week het vir hulle soveel rustigheid gebring. Baie, baie dankie, ook vir al die reëlings rondom die kinders se veiligheid.
Mother of Winterweek 2015 attendees, Monica and Bianca Steyn from Bloemfontein
Just to say thank you very much to the Winterweek team. My son, Cale, had a wonderful time and is now very excited about his future studies in Engineering. It has prompted him to work extra hard at school to make sure he can get entrance into the Stellenbosch faculty, which is his first choice.
Mother of Winterweek 2015 attendee, Cale van der Westhuizen
I would like to express my greatest gratitude for organising and running the 2015 Stellenbosch Winter Week. The event was a phenomenal experience for me and provided both job insight as well as the experience of an engineering student studying at Stellenbosch University. The company visits were particularly interesting for me and I much appreciate the effort you put into organising them. I will be certain to recommend this event to many other pupils as I found it to be an experience that I shall remember for many years to come.
Winterweek 2015 attendee Adam Maguire
Having gone to the Engineering Winter Week myself 3 years ago, I can highly recommend it after all the great experiences I enjoyed! Spending a week with like-minded students and seeing the industry is as much as any aspiring Engineer could as for. In fact, I enjoyed it so much I decided to join the committee to share the experience.
Tristan Nel